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Facebook Ads & Campaigns

Spend your advertising dollars wisely

Our Social Media Advertising Services can Help You

Our social media advertising services allow you to run laser-targeted advertisements to thousands of social media users, who may be interested in your product or service. Social media advertising is the most economical and effective form of advertising available today that will give your business an instant boost. Our team will run paid ad campaigns on your social media platforms to reach your target audience. The aim will be to increase your brand’s exposure and inspire sales. The platforms available are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Why these platforms are leading?

Why Every Platform Is Important

Facebook Advertising Services
Use the most popular social media advertising platform to reach your desired audience and drive traffic to your website. Target B2C and B2B audiences.

Instagram Advertising Services
Use the most visually-engaging platform to spark interest in your products and services. Capture eyeballs on Instagram’s news feed with effective social media advertisements.

LinkedIn Advertising Services

Use LinkedIn advertising to reach decision-makers and professionals. If you are a B2B company seeking to gain awareness, website traffic, and influence conversions, use LinkedIn advertising.

Pinterest Advertising Services
Target people searching for pins related to your products and services. Use the best social media advertising platform to reach women and consumers of retail products.

Social Media Advertising Services: Our Process

1: Assign an Experienced Social Media Manager to your Account

A social media manager with advertising experience will help you decrease costs and increase results. We will assign an ad specialist on our staff to run your social media advertisements. This person will learn your business, develop an advertising strategy, and execute it.

2: Develop a Real Advertising Strategy

Don’t spend another dollar until you have a social media advertising strategy. We will develop a clear and concise ad strategy for your business. It will include proven advertising funnels to show you how we plan on converting strangers into website traffic and conversions.

3: Create Engaging Advertisements

Launch ads that people actually want to click on. Our ad specialists will write your copy, headlines, and develop images for your campaign. We will also A/B split test your advertisements to identify which ads are driving the most results.

4: Monitor Your Ads and Optimize

Identify low-performing areas of your ad campaigns fast. We will keep an eye on your campaign daily. If results begin to decline, we will detect it immediately and pause low-performing ads. In addition, we can launch new ads to keep the results coming in.

5: Reporting and Communication

Know how your paid search advertisements are performing. Your ad specialist will prepare monthly reporting for you to review. In addition, we will install conversion tracking on your advertisements. This will report the number of conversions we are generating with our social media advertising services.